No Pride for some of us, without liberation for all of us.





As people take the streets to celebrate LGBTQIA+ liberation this Pride month, Queer and Trans rights and lives are being weaponized by Israel and the United States to justify genocide of the Palestinian people. Yet Pride organizations – alongside national LGBTQIA+ orgs that claim to represent our community – have remained silent on the genocide while championing corporations largely responsible for the genocide.

We will not stay silent while Israel and the U.S. government perpetrate a genocide in our names. And we are not alone; in fact, 70% of Americans want a permanent ceasefire, 83% of Democrats. Youth overwhelmingly support a ceasefire in Gaza. LGBTQIA+ folk from all walks of life have mobilized against the genocide for 8 months, many of us facing arrest, police brutality, getting fired from jobs, and being expelled from universities and housing. So why are the LGBTQIA+ orgs that claim to represent us radio silent?  

This Pride month, we demand that Pride organizations heed the call from Queer and Trans people of conscience: ban the corporate entities profiting off of the genocide of our people and the desecration of our communities! Condemn pinkwashing and homonationalism! Call for an immediate, permanent ceasefire now!  



  • We demand that Pride organizations publicly state that they will ban weapons manufacturers from public or monetary participation in Pride. Weapons manufacturers are directly profiting, aiding, and abetting the genocide being carried out by Israel against the Palestinian people. Building a safer world for all Queer and Trans people demands that we all rise up against these dealers of death.

    • Pinkwashing - Sponsoring Pride is an attempt for war profiteers to pinkwash violence. They utilize Queer and Trans lives to justify the devastation, murder, and genocide that they arm and profit from. (read more on pinkwashing below)

    • Exploitation of LGBTQIA+ community - Allowing weapons manufacturers to sponsor Pride events enables them to exploit the LGBTQIA+ community for their own profit. It reduces Pride to a mere marketing opportunity, disregarding and degrading the struggles and values of the community.

    • Pride's roots in anti-police brutality protests - Pride began as a protest against police brutality targeting Black and Brown queer and trans people. Allowing weapons manufacturers to sponsor Pride events undermines this historical legacy, disregards the connections between the US militarized police force and the Israel Occupation Forces, and perpetuates the systemic violence inflicted upon our marginalized communities.

  • We demand that Pride organizations publicly support the Palestinian people's right to live free from colonial rule in their land, their right to return to their homes, and their right to resist colonialism, ethnic cleansing, and genocide by any means necessary.

    • Commit to Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Israel - BDS is a movement to pressure Israel to comply with international law. ACT UP NY made a powerful example by endorsing boycott, divestment, and sanctions and Pride organizations should follow suit. Pride must endorse BDS and commit to organizing our communities and institutions to divest from institutions inflicting harm on our communities.

    • Reject normalization - According to the BDS National Committee, Normalization is “the idea of making occupation, apartheid, and settler colonialism seem normal and establishing normal relations with the Israeli regime instead of supporting the struggle led by the Indigenous Palestinian people to end the abnormal conditions and structures of oppression.” Pride must reject normalization and actively advocate alongside Queer and Trans Palestinians for a Free Palestine.

    • Pride was a riot of resistance - our historical legacy is to fight against the oppressive systems that murdered, imprisoned, humiliated, and erased our queer and transcestors. Israel is no different.

    • Connections between anti-Trans and anti-Palestinian legislation - the same playbook is being used by the same people to push anti-Trans and anti-Palestinian legislation. As such, we must recognize that the Palestinian struggle for liberation is an essential part of our struggle for liberation.

  • We demand that Pride organizations publicly condemn Israel’s weaponization of Queer and Trans lives as justification for the genocide of Palestinians.

    • Some context - Israel has spent millions of dollars over the past decade and a half in a marketing campaign to paint itself as a queer haven, including holding a Pride in Tel Aviv as “evidence” of its liberalism. In tandem, this campaign villainizes the Palestinian people (and Arab people generally) as homophobic/transphobic and weaponizes the identities of queer and trans Palestinians to blackmail and abuse them.

    • Pinkwashing - Pinkwashing is the strategy of weaponizing LGBTQIA+ rights and protections as evidence of liberalism and democracy, and ultimately legitimacy. This tactic is used by Israel to deflect from or legitimize their violence imposed on Palestinians. For example, an IOF soldier unfurled a pride flag atop rubble in Gaza, claiming, “the first ever pride flag raised in Gaza.” Written on the flag were the words, “In the Name of Love.”

    • Homonationalism - Homonationalism is the conflation of LGBTQIA+ rights with nationalistic ideology and the attempt to use LGBTQIA+ rights in an attempt to support neoliberal structures and ideals. Homonationalism hurts the local LGBTQIA+ community because it is based on the premise of erasing local Queer and Trans issues to fit the narrative that Israel (and the United States) is a safe haven for Queer and Trans people. After silencing local queer and trans issues to place itself as a safe haven for LBGTQIA+ rights, Israel uses pinkwashing in places like Gaza to justify genocide in the name of furthering LGBTQIA+ rights. But erasing local queer and trans issues and committing the murder of over 36,000 people moves us away from, not towards, liberation.

  • We demand that Pride organizations do the absolute bare minimum by calling for an immediate, permanent ceasefire, and call for an immediate end to arming Israel.

    • Not calling for a ceasefire is an endorsement of genocide - With nearly 40,000 killed in a livestreamed genocide, Pride organizers are situating themselves on the wrong side of history by remaining silent while rainbow flags are raised on top of the corpses and rubble of the death camps in Gaza.

    • Our lives are being used to justify genocide - In the face of homonationalism and pinkwashing, calling for an end to the genocide in Gaza will save lives and is essential to Queer and Trans liberation. The genocide, once again, is largely defended on the erasure of local Queer and Trans issues to create the illusion of homonationalism. Silence is a statement in support of genocide and the use of our lives to justify it.

    • Listen to and stand with the communities you claim to represent - Queer and Trans folk from all walks of life have mobilized against the genocide for 8 months. Many of them are facing arrest, police brutality, getting fired from jobs, and being expelled from universities and housing. 70% of Americans want a ceasefire, 83% of democrats. Youth overwhelmingly support a ceasefire in Gaza. Pride organizations must reflect these stances for an end to the genocide.

  • We demand Pride organizations cut ties with all corporations that profit off of the further marginalization and desecration of our interconnected communities, including law enforcement, corporations invested in the prison industrial complex, oil and gas companies, banks invested in weapons, war, and environmental destruction, and other harmful entities that inflict violence on our communities.

    • Profiting off of genocide while normalizing it - all industries that profit from war, detention and incarceration, environmental destruction, evictions, and community displacement are profiting off of the same systems that are used to normalize Israel’s violent occupation and perpetuate the genocide of Palestinians.

    • Pinkwashing - Yet again, these companies are using Pride as an advertising opportunity, using our lives to justify the harm they cause in our communities.

    • None of us are free until all of us are - Not only do these corporations profit off of the killing of Palestinians, but the destruction of Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities across the country and world. Our celebrations should be sites of creating the world we deserve - a world free from the exploitation (and genocide!!!) of our people.

  • We demand that Pride organizations unequivocally stand behind protestors – the majority of whom are Black, Brown, Indigenous, Queer and Trans – and denounce the state violence and surveillance being inflicted on our communities as we fight for the liberation of Palestine.

    • Ban the police from marching in Pride and scale back their presence at Pride - We have watched the ways law enforcement has brutalized our communities over the past nine months, and since the beginning of policing in this country. Police, and all other law enforcement agencies, have no place in our Pride parades or events. The police do not keep us safe.

    • Reject the surveillance of our communities - The FBI has issued a warning indicating that “foreign actors” will pose a threat at Pride. We know that this is a mechanism for the FBI to target protestors and criminalize speaking out against the genocide. Pride must refuse to work with the FBI and other law enforcement agencies against protestors.

    • Pride's roots in anti-police brutality protests - Pride began as a protest against police brutality targeting Black and Brown queer and trans people. Allowing Police to participate in Pride events undermines this historical legacy, disregards the connections between the US militarized police force and the Israel Occupation Forces, and perpetuates the systemic violence inflicted upon our marginalized communities.




The organizations that claim to represent and support us actively invest in relationships with companies that profit off of our death, and the normalization of an apartheid and genocidal state built on stolen land. Pride is no different, allowing war profiteers to tout their brands in our streets, co-opt our movement for their capital gains, and disregard the ethos upon which Pride was born. In honor of Pride’s roots as a protest and our Transcestors’ commitment to justice, we will not remain silent in the face of these injustices. 

We understand that Queer and Trans activists across the country have been and continue to be at the forefront of the fight for a Free Palestine. With that, we know people will have variable capacity when it comes to Pride. We outline a variety of actions that people can take below to center Palestinians in the fight for liberation. 


Get Your People Together

This is not a fringe movement. Queer and Trans organizers, visual artists, drag queens, DJs, nightlife and cultural workers are all down to throw down and have been at the forefront of the movement this whole time. Get your people together so that you have a solid base of community folks who are ready to confront Pride. There is power in numbers.

Take a look at the signers of DC’s petition of Capital Pride (note: this community building was done even before speaking to Pride organizers) and identify DJs and nightlife workers who support Palestinian liberation.


Do Your Research 

What corporations are sponsoring your Pride? Weapons manufacturers? Banks that invest in prisons, war, environmental destruction? Police? Some big donors directly fueling the Gaza genocide include: RTX (fka Raytheon), Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, L3Harris, Elbit, Airbus, General Dynamics, Google, General Motors, Ford, Mercedes, Toyota, Valero, Caterpillar. Also check the BDS list of strategic campaigns for a broader list of companies complicit in Israel’s apartheid, occupation, and genocide.

This research has generally already been done by Black/Brown/Indigenous people in your community. We’ve been picketing Pride for years to demand they divest from corporations harming our communities. The answers are readily apparent in your community!

Check out AFSC’s current list of companies profiting off of the genocide. 



We play nice sometimes. For real though, Pride organizers are indeed a part of our community (even if they are mostly white and normy). And, engaging your target directly is a tried and true first step to escalate strategically. We want to engage with them before deciding if/how to escalate. Here are some ways to engage in dialogue with your local Pride:

  • Send an email with the demands - In the email, include the demands you have as well as the ways in which the organization does not meet those demands. If applicable, include a list of influential folks in your community who are on your side. Give them a reasonable time to get back to you about whether or not they will be meeting your demands. 

  • Request a meeting - Send an email to your local Pride asking for a meeting. Come prepared to discuss your demands, how Pride does not meet those demands, and the breadth of folks who support the cause in your locality. Give them a reasonable time to get back to you about whether or not they will be meeting your demands.

Here are some sample email templates to reach out to your pride organization.

Sample email template with demands

Sample email template to set up a meeting


Digital Escalation

We have a hunch, given the radio silence from Prides across the country (and world), that most Pride organizations won't meet our demands. In this case, digital escalation is the next step. Here are some ideas: 

  • Write an open letter that your crew publishes on social media or through a local news outlet (or both) detailing the demands. This will prompt public pressure. Include in the letter how Pride refused to meet your demands. (For extra credit, pair this with a petition so people in your locality can sign on). 

  • Launch a petition - Get your community involved by having folks sign on to a petition demanding that Pride meet your demands. 

  • Launch a letter writing campaign - this one is juicy; launch a letter writing campaign, where letters from community members are delivered directly to Pride organizers. Flood their inboxes for Palestine! 


  • Here is a template for a petition, and on for a letter writing campaign!

  • Use a tool like Action Network or a similar action tool to build your petition or letter writing campaign (DO NOT use, which profits off of your signers and doesn't allow you to retain the emails you collect)

    • Action Network is free to sign up for and get started with an email campaign, with no limit on number of action takers. If you want more features you can consider a paid plan.

    • If organizations in your community do not have an Action Network or similar tool (EveryAction, Powerbase, New/Mode, Salsa, etc.) get in touch with us and we will help you build out the petition!


Boo, Bitch!

Pride not listening? How did we guess? Well, we’ll just leave these right here.

  • Wheatpasting - wouldn't it be wild if there was an entire library of art that organizers could print and put up all around the pride route of your city? Oh no. 

  • Handing out information  - educational materials or zines that could be handed out at parades, parties, raves, etc? Blasphemy if you ask me.

  • Chalking - it really would be a shame if the entire route of Pride was covered in “Free Palestine” and “From the River to the Sea” chalking. I mean, imagine if all the young queers in your community made a whole party out of it the night before the Pride parade, and everyone had to see it! Oh no. 

  • Die-ins - Laying on the ground is one way to stop the flow of movement and make bad actors confront their complicity...

  • Confronting your Congress member - Politicians love to show up to pride events for that performative photo op, especially after they’ve gotten a bad rap for voting to send $14 billion in weapons to Israel for genocide. It would be too bad if their visit was ruined by a loud disruption or “mic check” to un-welcome them from Pride. Check how your rep voted on weapons to Israel and learn how to effectively disrupt their events.

  • Creative disruption - are you Queer and/or Trans? That’s what we thought. Let’s get creative. We are not telling you to partner with a group that already has a float in your parade and do cool things, but if you happen to do it, we might cheer (and uplift your posts on IG because you will definitely tag us and/or add us as collaborators to your posts). 




Additonal Resources

Are you a Pride Organization that needs gudiance?

If you are looking to put out a statement or need support adhering to the demands above, we recommend checking out the following resources: